
Heather Schaming

Heather Schaming is a video-game-loving photographer who is so excited to be a new teacher here at FHS. She taught for 10 years as an elementary, gifted teacher. She is now at Fauquier High School to teach special education (SPED).
Ever since Schaming was in third grade, she has wanted to be a teacher. “When I would take the career tests in school, they always pointed to the education field,” said Schaming. She added that she loved working with children. As she got older she decided she “wanted to better serve students and their families.”
Schamings favorite part about being a teacher is talking to the students. “I like to be someone they can count on. I want to be someone that the students trust and can talk to,” said Schaming. She added that “helping students whether in academics or life in general” was her main goal.

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