
Sabrina Brooks

Embracing the change of scenery, Mark Scott enjoys teaching gym.

Mark Scott, New Gym Coach

Mark Scott’s story begins in high school, where he first recognized his desire to be a gym teacher. “Athletics have always been a large part of my life, so teaching physical education (P.E.) was what I really wanted to do,” said Scott.
Since P.E. positions were harder to find, his teachers and parents suggested that he go a different route. He earned his K-6 Elementary Education teaching degree. Afterwards, he moved to Virginia and completed coursework for an Algebra 1 add-on endorsement.
Last spring, after Mark Holmes retired, Scott applied for the job. He enjoyed his time as an Algebra teacher, but likes the change in pace that comes with P.E. “I didn’t take the traditional path to becoming a P.E. teacher, but I found a way to get where I wanted to be,” said Scott.
He says that his favorite part is that he gets “to be in the gym everyday surrounded by sports.” Scott’s words of inspiration for achieving goals were, “Find a way. Prepare for opportunities, then take advantage of them. I put in the work and prepared myself for an opportunity. When that opportunity presented itself, I took advantage of it.”

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