
Amanda Arellano

Amanda held the position of Web Design Manager for The Falconer.

Amanda Arellano


Wow, has time flown! I feel like it was just yesterday that we were walking out of class, forgetting to sign out, to go do interviews. You brought out the fun side of our serious Editor-in-Chief. You’re always willing to do anything from pictures, to interviews, to infographics, to being Sports Editor. We could always count on you for The Falconer.
We will miss you and your bright personality so much! I will miss trying not to fall off the chairs writing on the windows with you. I will also miss laughing about pretty much everything with you, including the amount of times I managed to spell “Falconer” wrong trying to sign in.
Thank you for always coming with me to deliver newspapers on the other end of the school, keeping me company during interviews and helping me with InDesign. We used to joke room 321 was like a second home and it will be very different next year without you there. Good luck in college!


Your Managing Editor, Catherine Smith

Messages from the Staff:

Hey Amanda! We haven’t worked together a lot but without you, the Falconer wouldn’t be where it is today. The website always looks amazing and organized because of you, and it can’t be easy always keeping up with it. Thank you for always going the extra mile!
– Margaret

Amanda! Always willing to help us out with web design! Thank you so much for all that you did for the Falconer, the website always looked so beautiful and organized! We will miss you so much next year, but I know that you have a bright future ahead of you! Best wishes!
– Drew

Amanda- I didn’t really get to know you well this year but when I was at the tennis opening you were very nice. Thanks for all your hard work and I appreciate how bubbly you were. Wish you all good luck next year!
– Lily Hayostek

Congratulations, I hope the future treats you well!
– Sabrina

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