Artist Spotlight: Aidan Jones
February 14, 2019
Junior Aidan Jones was nominated and selected by the art department to be the Fauquier Falcon’s Artist of the Month. Jones is currently taking art 3 2D with art teacher Charlene Root. Jones has been taking art ever since first grade of elementary school and says that he loves it. “I like letting my mind wander and creating whatever I feel like,” said Jones. Jones enjoys working with many different mediums, but he particularly enjoys using acrylics. “Acrylics mix well with one another, and it’s not water based so it doesn’t run everywhere,” Jones said. He appreciates his teachers and says that they have been supportive. “Instead of criticizing me, they try to tell me how I can improve,” Jones said. His art teachers think highly of him, art teacher Dawn Brown said Jones “has proven himself as an artist who always takes his assignments seriously. He works very hard to complete all assignments to the best of his ability, spending lots of time on the details, and adding his own creative flair.” Root agreed in saying, “He is a hard-working, self-disciplined young man who is conscientious about improving his art skills and abilities. He is respectful, mature and interacts well with classmates. He is a great role model for art students!”