The Falcon Bookies book club has been held once a month in the Fauquier High School library for decades. The club is student-led and aims to be an open and enjoyable environment for anyone interested in reading. Every few Fridays the club meets, sharing refreshments and conversation regarding new and interesting books members have been reading. It is a small group at the moment, but all members are enthusiastic about growing interest. Student leader and senior, Medipyew Kulang, said, “[It’s] an outlet for students who love to learn and who want to learn more.”
Unlike most book clubs, everyone in Bookies reads different books based on the monthly theme or genre. Librarians Kathryn Davis and Katelyn Verrell both think that that aspect of the club is part of what makes it so special. “You [get to] hear different perspectives and have a chance to learn about books or genres that you may not have been aware of,” said Davis. The meetings themselves are very casual and open. “It’s very informal, and we go around and discuss our books one at a time,” stated Verrell.
The club aims to include all types of readers, and their monthly themes allow room for everyone to find something they love. Kulang attested to the club keeping her accountable for reading and ensuring she does not experience “reading slumps.” “[The club] inspires me to read so many different books by hearing what everyone else is reading,” she stated. Kulang, Davis and Verrell all encourage more students to sign up and participate. Kulang feels that “[In] our generation, a lot of people think that reading is weird and even people that I know that love to read won’t come to the club because they’ll be seen as weird for liking to read.” She continues by saying, “There’s nothing wrong in being educated and there’s no shame in educating yourself.”
Overall, Falcon Bookies is a great way to get involved in the school community and find people with similar interests. “It’s genuinely a great group of people,” Davis noted. Kulang told interested students, “Please come and bring your ideas, your best ideas. We would love to have you there!”