Senior Eagle Scout
Accomplishing his goal after 13 years of working hard
Ethan attends the Court of Honor ceremony.
November 19, 2021
Senior Ethan Homenik’s journey through the Boy Scouts program started 13 years ago when he became a Cub Scout. He spent five years completing the program, and then moved to Boy Scouts where he spent 11 years working on his Eagle Rank, which he earned on October 25.
Homenik explained Boy Scouts as “a program that is all about trying to get a lot of life experience in before you really start living life so that you’re prepared.”
Homenik’s parents placed him in Cub Scouts, but he chose to continue with Boy Scouts because he was “having fun with Club Scouts and simply wanted to keep going with the fun.” After a while, that fun turned into his desire for the Eagle rank.
Homenik enjoys Boy Scouts because of the values he’s gained.
“I’ve become a lot more confident in my abilities in what I can do in pushing myself harder and being a leader, all because of Boy Scouts.” He has been a Troop Guide, Instructor, senior and Patrol Leader.
Homenik is also involved in other activities such as Marching Band, where he is the captain of the brass