Is the iOS 16 Update Everything We Wanted?
Screenshot of the information that comes with the iOS 16 update
The new iOS update is out for Apple phones and there are many opinions on it. The update came out on Sept. 12 and includes many features and new pieces to add to iPhones.
The new update includes many features, but the biggest one has to be the lock screen features. With the iOS 16 update, it is now an option to customize the lock screen of the phone. The lock screen gallery includes photos Apple has provided for use or the background can be from the user’s photo library. There is also lock screen editing used for customizing the font, color, and placement elements on the lock screen. There is an option to make multiple lock screens and can switch in between them at any given time.
There are added features to the messages app too. It is now an option to edit sent messages for up to 15 minutes after the text has been sent. Another option is to unsend messages for up to two minutes and recover recently deleted messages for up to 30 days.
All of these new features can be very helpful to iPhone users, but some people wish to go back to the way it was. When asked what the problem is with the update, Meaghan Dysart-Moore said “It drains my phone battery, which prevents me from making emergency calls if needed.” The update worsens the existing problem of battery drainage from left open apps. “I don’t like how the notifications pop up on the lock screen, so I would change that back to how it was.” Dysart-Moore said. Once iPhone users get a notification, it comes up on the bottom of the screen instead of the top near the time. This can make it hard to see all notifications at once.
Some people are finding the update helpful and fun to work with. Sophomore Aliana Hawkins is enjoying the new update. “My favorite feature is how you can tap on the music icon (on the lock screen) and the whole screen shows up, it looks really cool,” said Hawkins. That is another new thing about the update; when listening to music, it can come up to cover the whole lock screen or just appear at the bottom of the lock screen. It is helpful when it is enlarged because the song is easier to see and it looks cool with how the new lock screen is set up. Hawkins said, “I find it very helpful that if you accidentally send someone a text message you can delete it as long as the other person has the update.” This is essentially for spelling errors or accidentally sent texts. This update is full of new things for iPhone users to try out, but has had mixed reviews from users.
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Hi there! My name is Clara Compton and I’m a senior here at FHS. This year, I am Editor-in-Chief and it is my third year working with The Falconer. Along...