FBLA Crushes States!
April 30, 2019
On April 5-7, the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) represented Fauquier High School at the State Leadership Conference held in Reston, VA, where 15 students competed against other schools in the state. Out of these 15, five students scored high enough to move onto the national conference in San Antonio, Texas in June.
Students moving on to nationals include senior Samantha Lucas competing in Accounting 1, senior Jonah Patterson competing in Accounting 2, senior Chris Kiser competing in Economics, sophomore Rachel Singleton competing in Business Law and senior Fallon Goemmer competing in Agriculture Business.
Each individual competed at a regional level in order to have the opportunity to compete at states. If the students received a high enough placing, they moved on to the next conference.
“I was definitely really nervous before receiving the results,” said Patterson, “but once I received the results and saw I got second place, I was really happy.”
Kiser joined FBLA his sophomore year after hearing how fun the competitions were. “I was really excited when I got first place because it’s something I really wanted,” said Kiser. He hopes to have a lot of fun and place well at the upcoming national conference.
FBLA adviser Karen is very proud of her students. “I’m thrilled; this is the most individual competition contestants I’ve ever had to go to nationals,” said Chipman. “I think they are going to be great competitors.”
Going from a state level competition to a national level is no easy task. “One state, that’s great, but now they’re coming from 50 states and beginning to up their game,” said Chipman.
ore year after hearing how fun the competitions were. “I was really excited when I got first place because it’s something I really wanted,” said Kiser. He hopes to have a lot of fun and place well at the upcoming national conference.
FBLA adviser Karen is very proud of her students. “I’m thrilled; this is the most individual competition contestants I’ve ever had to go to nationals,” said Chipman. “I think they are going to be great competitors.”
Going from a state level competition to a national level is no easy task. “One state, that’s great, but now they’re coming from 50 states and beginning to up their game,” said Chipman.