On This Day
Memorial Day is observed on the last Monday of May as a federal holiday.
On Memorial Day many Americans honor the sacrifices made by our fallen military personnel who served this country. Every year at 3 p.m. the nation takes a moment of remembrance. Additionally, FHS students embraced this holiday by filling three medium sized cardboard boxes with handmade cards for the American Legion Post 72.
Today is an American holiday observed on the last Monday of May. It was originally called Decoration Day and became an official holiday in 1971. However, tributes and grave visits date back to the late 1860s after many lives were lost in the Civil War. During World War I the day evolved to honor all who lost their lives while fighting.
Organized by the National Honor Society, members had to create at least 10 cards for the Thank You Cards for Troops drive sponsored by the American Legion Post 72. The cards were collected from FCPS1 schools and distributed all over the world including to Navy hospital ships, veteran patients at the Walter Reed Medical Center, bases in the Middle East, veterans coming to D.C. for honor flights and more. It was “a chance to share your appreciation for active duty and veteran members of the armed services for the work they do at home and abroad,” wrote Patricia Hatfield in the NHS instructions Google Doc.
In other places parades take place focusing on active duty military and members of veterans organizations invited to attend. However, others spend the day visiting the beach, barbequing with family and shopping local deals because of the long weekend and unofficial start of summer. While not all commemorate the day in a solemn attitude, federal workers, students and other organizations have the day off to honor all those who lost their lives in war.
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