‘The Crown’ mixes history, drama, style
Falconer, FHS
Claire Foy portrays Queen Elizabeth II in the Netflix original series The Crown. The show features a soundtrack that adds suspense and awe to a dramatic depiction of the Queen’s personal life.
December 9, 2016
Netflix has delivered another astonishing series with the release of The Crown on Nov. 4. Revolving around the conflict between the private and public life of Queen Elizabeth II as she ascends the throne after her father, King George the VI, dies of lung cancer, The Crown gives viewers a glimpse into the life of the famous monarch.
The Crown portrays the Queen as something of a puppet who follows the orders and mandates of prominent men, including her husband and members of Parliament, instead of her own gut instincts. As a glorified figurehead for the people of Britain, Elizabeth ascendes the throne at 25 while trying to be a good sister, mother, wife, and Queen. Despite her desire to spend time with her children, Elizabeth must push her yearnings aside to run the “vital monarchy.”
The marriage of Elizabeth and Philip provides a spot of romance in a show dominated by politics. The Crown depicts the couple’s life in the early 1950s, including the quarrels. Although there is obviously love, chemistry, and affection, their relationship was also contentious and argumentative. They bickered over frivolous issues, such as whether the couple should keep Philip’s last name or move into Buckingham palace or details of Elizabeth’s coronation, and fought over more serious matters, like Philip’s alleged affairs.
The Crown also packs in tons of family-oriented drama. For example, Queen Mary resents her eldest son, Edward VIII, who abdicated the throne in order to marry Wallis Simpson, a divorced American woman. In a royal snub, she refuses to extend an invitation for King George VI’s funeral or Elizabeth’s coronation to Edward’s wife. Only Elizabeth shows empathy and benevolence towards Edward, her renegade uncle, highlighting her compassionate side.
The Crown is the most expensive television program to date because of the astonishing scenery and costume design. The set designers did a remarkable job of accurately portraying the dress, architecture, customs, and setting of the era, captivating audiences with glamor and splendor.
The stunning, breath-taking acting in The Crown is one of its standout features, with raw, pure emotion, and substance. It is easy to grow emotionally attached to characters due to the depth of the performances by an all star cast comprised of seasoned actors like Claire Foy, Matt Smith, and John Lithgow. The combination of script, acting, and cinematography leads to sublime entertainment.
Historically accurate, The Crown hits events critical to the time period, such as the re-election of prime minister Winston Churchill and a killing dense smog epidemic. However, the pace is slow, not action-packed, relying on the drama that borders on the soap opera and that sometimes feels like a historical documentary without the narrator. Overall, the directors and screenwriters produced a fascinating, engaging show that is also educational. The Crown won’t thrill viewers with suspense, but if you enjoyed the quality and pacing of Downton Abbey, the 10-episode-series is a must-watch.