Fauquier High School (FHS) introduced an Open Mic program in 2008 during academic enrichment (AE) as a way for students to use poetry to express themselves in a safe environment. Students sign up and meet once a month during AE in the library. Currently, librarians Kathryn Davis and Katelyn Verrill supervise students and serve snacks and drinks to participants.
At the beginning of Open Mic meetings, refreshments are served and attendance is taken. Then, students who have written poetry read in front of the audience. While Open Mic is about students reading their own poetry, anyone can come and respectfully listen without having to read poetry. Common themes students write about include relatable experiences, emotion, love and mental health. While some themes may be melancholy, junior Gillian Hall provided amusing poems detailing her experiences in school. At the end of the meeting, students read one last poem before leaving and heading to their next class.
Junior Annie Gentry offered insight into Open Mic. Gentry has been a part of Open Mic since her arrival at FHS in her freshman year. She noted her fondness for the freedom and expression students have: “I really like that students get to have creative liberty on the aspects of their writing, and I like to listen to people talk about their experiences in a way that’s artistic and thoughtful.” Gentry enjoys writing about a variety of topics and past experiences. Although sometimes she may be nervous, she noted that Open Mic is a safe space for students to express themselves without the fear of being judged or ridiculed. She believes Open Mic is a healthy emotional outlet for everybody.