Summertime is on the way and a lot of students are trying to make some spare money. Many students apply to different places around town to get jobs, but some real go-getters even start their own businesses. A group of juniors at FHS recently got the idea of starting a landscaping business.
The business is titled TGW Landscaping. The name was created in a very wholesome way, with junior Gabe Rodgers explaining that they came up with it because “our names are Trevor, Gabe and Will, so it’s TGW landscaping.” This small business will not only help the boys make some extra cash over the summer, but will also teach them how to run a business.
The three boys came up with the idea while they were all together in a class. Rogers said, “We are in a lifting class and were thinking of jobs we could do this summer, and landscaping came up.” The boys came up with a goal that they would like to achieve this upcoming summer. As junior Trevor Mitchell explained, “We want to make a lot of money and save up for college.”
The third member of the business is junior William Petrauskas. Petrauskas agreed with Mitchell on his goals by saying, “My biggest goal would obviously be to make money over the summer.” On the other hand, Rogers took a different point of view on the business. Rogers said, “Our goals are to get enough customers to where we can do weekly landscaping and enough money through the summer.” The three boys have the same goals in mind, which will make it easier for them to run the business.
As of right now the boys do not have any clients, but they are looking to build and promote their small business so they are prepared once the summer starts. When starting a business, learning a few skills can come with it. Rogers said, “We have learned how to make business pages.” Rogers is conscious about the fact that later on they will be learning how to talk to customers and learn how to better their business from the customers’ feedback. Building these good habits for a future business is always a good thing.
To start off, the boys are using “lawn mowers, weed eaters, leaf blowers… we are borrowing our parents’ machine,” said Rogers. The summer is a common time when adults will be needing their lawn mowed and in need of other services. TGW is starting as soon as the students get out of school. Mitchell said, “We offer services mostly during summer and springtime and during the weekends.” Mitchell explained how the process of getting hired works: “You can either DM, email us, or call us.” If interested in hiring TGW landscaping their information will be right down below!
Instagram- TGW_landscaping
Facebook- TGW_landscaping
Email- TGW.landscape
Phone number 540-316-8753