Changes Come to NHS with New Leadership

Provided by fauquier.nhs on Instagram

New NHS officers pose with faculty advisor Catherine Croft

The National Honor Society (NHS) is a club for juniors and seniors who have a weighted GPA of 3.5 or higher. The Induction Ceremony for new members will be on Oct. 12 at 7 p.m. in the auditorium. Letters of invitation will be delivered to eligible juniors and seniors during academic enrichment. Both juniors and seniors will be inducted.

Every year the student leaders change, because the seniors are the ones who hold those positions. This year, Erin Irvin is the president, Annamae Lawrence is the vice president, Emily Penatzer is the secretary, and Martine Hutt is the historian. Catherine Croft is now the faculty advisor of NHS. When asked why she decided to lead NHS, she said, “I thought I could make a difference, and I like teaching kids the value in the world.”

Croft’s goals for the year are to make everything digital. Croft also hopes to make the monthly meetings more interactive, and more of a “social group”. Croft said, “I’m a strong believer in community service, and teaching kids the value in it.” Service hours are now being logged with a picture of the activity being completed.

The NHS leaders are trying out a new way to have committees. President Erin Irvin said, “We are trying to have a more broad outlook on committees this year. So there will be a few main subjects, then there will be a bunch of sub committees, relating to that main area of the committee.” NHS is working on making meetings fun, so the members enjoy participating and helping the community.