2nd FHS “Falcon Flyer” Summary
The end of the first marking period is Friday, September 18. .
Personal items left at the end of the 2019-20 school year are still available for pick-up in the Main Office by calling 540-422-7300.
FHS shout-out to senior Jacob Goldman “for his outstanding academic accomplishments as a National Merit Semifinalist. We are proud of you Jacob!”
More information by visiting this article.
Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) & American College Test (ACT) Update
FHS is working on a plan to offer SAT and ACT testing at FHS in October, November and December.
Yearbook Staff has Community Upload feature allowing students and parents to submit photos of the “Virtual Experience” this year.
Looking for photos of students:
In their virtual classrooms
Taking lunch breaks
Meeting for socially distanced study groups
Club meetings
Working a part-time jobs
Conditioning for sports
Just relaxing
To participate:
Click on this link
Use access code: FHS Yearbook
Upload a photo
Sponsors: Diana Story, Michelle Green & Catherine Anderson
Taking applications for the 2020-21 class and SCA Officers.
Each class plus the SCA will elect by electronic ballot
Positions per grade level:
Vice President
Executive Council:
Helps out without the responsibility of being an officer.
Supports group for class officers
Assists with class activities.
Sponsor: Kathleen Fowler
Starting virtually on Wednesday, September 16.
From 2 p.m, – 3 p.m. via Google Meet.
Email Fowler if interested in joining
This link offers suggestions and helpful hints to succeed in the virtual instruction world.
Curbside Library Book service is available at FHS.
To request a library book, email the library or:
Login to Blackboard
Go to the “FHS Library Organization” tab
Complete the Google Form
Books are available for pick-up each Wednesday from 4 p.m. – 7 p.m.
After arriving, call the library, 540-422-7320, and the librarian will bring the book
President Beth Howser
First Booster Club meeting, Monday, September 28 at 6:30 p.m. in either the Library or the Falcon Room depending on the number of attendees.
Masks required
Will be:
Providing applications
Accepting $10 payment from families for this year’s membership.
If unable to attend, mail the membership to Falcon Booster Club, PO Box 1166, Warrenton, VA 20118.
For the full version use this link.
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