FHS Falcon Café Update
The FHS Falcon Cafe will be implementing a new, universal, Point of Sale System throughout the upcoming weeks.
The FHS Falcon Café is introducing a new universal Point of Sale System (POS) to hybrid students throughout the upcoming weeks. This system allows for quicker lines, less surface touching and identification of special diets.
POS is used in many businesses and companies. According to Business News Daily, the “hardware…can be as basic as a tablet or smartphone and a card reader. You can add peripherals like receipt printers, cash drawers and barcode readers for a more traditional setup.” At FHS the system’s full capabilities will be explained in the next few weeks.
In an email from Cafe Manager Lindsey Bacom Stewart, she said, “the new system will reduce the concern of students using one another’s account through the use of pictures and ID Cards.” It will also provide a report on purchases and payments through MySchoolBucks.com or the MySchoolBucks app (available on IOS and Android).
In addition, another change made by Federal regulations will be put in place. The FHS Falcon Cafe “will no longer be allowed to charge adult meals that will create a negative balance. Adults may purchase meals by paying at the register, or you can add funds to your account,” said Stewart. Contact the FHS Falcon Cafe for an account, or register with the MySchoolBucks.com website or app.
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