After former National Honor Society (NHS) sponsor Catherine Croft left Fauquier High School, the honor society has been desperate for a new advisor. Thankfully, English teacher, Cathleen Beachboard stepped up to the challenge.
After a tedious application process, Beachboard is excited about this new chapter. Beachboard states that her main goal is “to support [the NHS council] in working with problems in the school community that they feel are impacting FHS.” Beachboard notes that her meetings with the council will determine the upcoming service projects for the year. However, her high expectations might be exactly what FHS needs. Beachboard claims, “Ultimately my job as advisor is to help them change the world.”
After only one meeting, Beachboard has implemented several changes. Beachboard required all NHS members to join the official NHS website as well as a new group communications app, “Remind.” Beachboard elaborates, “…There are certain scholarships and opportunities that are only available in NHS. So by making members join the NHS website … they will get emails and notifications about scholarships just for them.” In addition, this website allows members to get information about national organizations that they can join in college.
Beachboard couldn’t have made any of this possible without her “awesome” officers. She explains that the officers play a crucial role in easing the transition from last year to now. Beachboard has plans to shift the role that officers have played in the past. She wants officers to play a more imperative role in major NHS decisions so that way the honor society better reflects the opinions of the students.