Buckland Haunted Farm reviewed
Guests waiting to be terrified at Buckland’s Haunted Farm.
Looking for a fright this spooky Halloween season brought me to Buckland Farm Market that hosts a haunted corn maze.
I enjoyed the frights that Buckland’s haunted farm had to offer. As with most haunted houses, many of the scares are jump scares. Buckland has a series of themed sections throughout the haunt. The first section is a dead inn, where the undead lead you through a spooky hotel hallway. The rest of the maze includes a clown section, a pitch black maze to feel your way through and much more.
Returning guests will recognize the haunted bus and the infamous chainsaw nearing the end of the maze. Most actors startle guests by popping up and scaring them, and some even taunt and intimidate guests to scare them. Most of the actors had good scare-timing and made the haunt exciting and fun.
My favorite parts of the haunted farm were the butcher’s shop and the clowns. When I reached the front of the line, an employee had me sign a waiver. The employee explained that guests are not supposed to touch actors, and actors are not supposed to touch the guests. She also explained that there are a few spots in the haunt that could make claustrophobic guests uncomfortable. If a guest feels claustrophobic, they can tell an actor and the guest will be able to go around that section of the haunt. I appreciated the notice I was given, because many haunts do not warn guests about these important things.
Despite the many creative scares I saw at Buckland, I was disappointed at how long the wait was. I waited in the line to enter the maze for about an hour. Guests are spaced out when entering the farm to give the actors time to return to their positions and prepare to terrify the next guests. Throughout the approximately half-mile trail, there were some big dead zones with no actors or props, which I also disliked.
Tickets to enter are $20, and snacks and drinks are available at an additional cost. Inside the farm market, there is fresh produce, baked goods, hot coffee and more available for purchase. Overall, I believe that Buckland haunted farm is worth the $20 cost to enter.
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