Gratefulness, a Gift From the Heart

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With the season of giving coming up, students recognize the importance of being grateful.

Being grateful is “being appreciative of benefits received,” according to the Marium-Webster Dictionary. To me, it means being thankful for what you have. Some things that come to mind are food on my table, a roof over my head, and, especially now, good health.
I am very lucky to have so much including new clothes, good schooling and loving family members. I have many people in my life that I don’t always thank for the little things. Thanksgiving is a holiday all about recognizing those blessings in your life.
I like this holiday because giving doesn’t have to be a physical gift. For some people this sense of giving comes naturally and they don’t look to be thanked. Others prefer to go unrecognized or won’t accept “thank you’s.” We can show our gratitude, to anyone, on this day, by simply showing we care about them.
The thanks in “Thanksgiving” can be something simple from the heart. If we take a moment, to slow down, and appreciate what we have there are copious ways to thank loved ones. Talking to family at Thanksgiving dinner, calling someone who may be lonely or in distress over the holidays or even simply washing the dishes are all ways to show your appreciation.
The word Thanksgiving is not the only meaning of the holiday. The cornucopia represents the abundant supply of goods. It goes back to the first Thanksgiving and the plentiful harvest used to celebrate.
On this day we gather together to eat large meals filled with appetizers, main dishes and dessert. We can’t forget to remember those who don’t have as much. We are very fortunate and one way to show gratitude is by giving back.
Working at soup kitchens or packaging meals on Thanksgiving day offers this experience. It not only allows others to happily celebrate the day together, but also makes you feel good. Donating to a local charity or food pantry, before Thanksgiving, is another way to make sure you do your part.
Participating in events like FHS’s Schools Stuff The Bus are easy ways to give back to the community within your school. Other canned and boxed food drives show you want to make the world a better place by addressing the need in the community. Giving your time and volunteering at a local organization, like For Immediate Sympathetic Help (FISH) or nursing homes are also impactful ways of showing gratitude towards your community.