Fashion Spotlight: Will Smith
Q: How would you describe your style?
“I try [to] go for a lot of different looks. Sometimes I’m dressing like a mob boss.”
Q: What’s your favorite store to buy clothes?
“I like to shop online; Rails is a pretty cool place. I like thrifting at all sorts of different places.”
Q: What type of clothing do you enjoy wearing most?
“I’ve been getting into the boots, I really enjoy the boots. [I also have been] going for the flare jeans, it’s a fun time.”
Q: Do you prepare your outfits in advance?
“Yes, if I’m really going to go for it, I prepare it the night before to just think about it a little bit.”
Q: What are three words you would use to describe your outfit today?
“Rambunctious, chaotic, a lot of neutral colors.”
Q: Do you try to dress like Will Smith the actor?
Q: Who or what inspires your fashion?
“I’d definitely say other people do. Whether it’s celebrities that I think have cool styles, like Kramer from Seinfeld, or the people around me, like Quaid Teachey and Matt Phillips, they’re inspirations.“
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Hi! My name is Shannon Seiler and I’m a senior at Fauquier. This is my first year taking journalism and I’m excited to contribute to The Falconer....