“The Summer I Turned Pretty” is a romantic show that came out June 7, 2022. The show is loved by many people. This is a perfect show for people who enjoy romance, fantasy, and drama.
Lola Tung (Belly) stars as a teenager involved in a love triangle between two brothers played by Chirstopher Briney (Conrad) and Gavin Casalegno (Jeremiah). Belly has been going to a beach house owned by Susannah, Conrad and Jeremiah’s mom played by Rachel Blanchard, with her brother Steven played by Sean Kaufman, and her mom Laurel, played by Jackie Chung, since Belly was 8 years old. Belly has had the biggest crush on Conrad ever since she started going to the beach house. This summer Belly had a glow up and turned “pretty.” A glow up is when someone gets older and starts to look better than how they did when they were younger. Jeremiah has had a crush on Belly ever since they were little, but Belly has only ever had eyes for Conrad.
“The Summer I Turned Pretty” is a very well made show. One of the best parts of the show is that it was filmed at the beach. The setting of the show is beautiful and a feast for the eyes. Conrad was a much more enjoyable character because he was the better brother. Conrad had a very mysterious personality which made it more suspenseful because viewers were unaware what he was thinking. The acting in general was amazing.
Something about the show that is not as enjoyable was Jeremiah. Jeremiah, as a character, was manipulative and selfish. Jeremiah has no respect for his brother, Belly, or anyone. Conrad is a much more likable character.
While the show does have a few shortcomings, other than that, this was probably one of the best shows I’ve watched.