Fauquier High School’s Photography class offers three years of learning the basics of using a camera and gradually making each photo more and more extraordinary. The photography class allows students to express creative interests by pushing the boundaries of camerawork. Junior Graham Funkhouser stated, “I got into photography because of my dog. She was the reason I started to enjoy taking pictures of the little things, allowing me to experience the world around me.” Photography is a class that allows anyone to think outside of the box through various projects.
The class covers everything students need to know to take the perfect picture. Photography lets students use different objects and different techniques to take the ideal photo. During the winter, students stay indoors while doing projects. One of the projects the class does is the black room, where students get to use black light to make an illusion that there is white light coming out of an all-black image. When the weather gets warmer, students can take pictures of nature outside.
Photography is the perfect class for students to express their ideas through photos. Senior Ashleigh Prudhum says, “If you like to be creative and…show your creativity, photography is the perfect class for you.” The photography class provides a peaceful atmosphere where a student can work and come up with ideas for the perfect image. “It’s the only class I’ve enjoyed the whole year…Photography allows me to express myself.” Funkhouser states. Photography helps people connect to the world in just a click. Join the Photography class today!