Musician Spotlight: Abigail Turner
Senior, Abigail Turner
Senior, Abigail Turner, has a musical gift worth talking about. Turner is a self-taught guitarist and singer. Expanding on her skills for the past four years, she has taken a guitar ensemble class and continued with singing.
She grew up in New York, listening to alternative rock, older music and other genres, which is where her free form style originated from. Her favorite musician is John Mayer, but her biggest inspiration is her older brother. “He taught me how to love music, and he still mentors me while we get to play together in his band,” said Turner.
She describes her style as “versatile” basing her performance on the type of crowd she’s performing for. Her style ranges from “oldies” to modern day music, as well as worship hymns on Sundays, when performing for her church. She has played at Johnny Monarchs in Marshall, the City Tavern in Manassas and the FHS school talent show.
For Turner, the feeling of being able to perform for others and move people makes it worth it. “The really special thing for me is when I was playing at the Tavern and people were asking me to play it again, or play more. It was a very fulfilling experience, I felt appreciated,” said Turner.
She struggles with stage fright and works through it with every performance. “My voice will shake at first, but then I can ring it in and let the music rule it. It is getting better the more I do,” said Turner. She would love to be able to pursue music long term and have a career in the music business. “Wherever I am with music, I think, I will be happy,” said Turner.
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What's up! I’m Ashley Halbrook, and I’m the Social Media Director for the Falconer. I’m 18 and a senior this year. This is my second year writing...