In years prior, FCPS used Google Classroom for teachers to give their students assignments, but in 2022 they invested in Schoology. Schoology, a more complex system, requires teachers to take a multi-hour long training course, unlike Google Classroom which is self-explanatory.
Both Schoology and Google Classroom have their pros and cons. “I prefer Schoology because I feel like it’s more organized than Google Classroom and you can see more of what you need to do,” freshman Ashley Perez-Sosa said. “I feel Schoology is more student-organized and it’s easier than Google Classroom,” Junior David Calderon said.
English teacher Dawn Morton said that she mainly liked Schoology. However, she said “I hear teachers say that Schoology would be better if it was connected to (Infinite Campus). We have to post our grades there whereas instead of it just taking our grades and putting them into Infinite Campus. So if the two could talk to each other, it seems like there could be some upgrades.” “I prefere Google Classroom over other learning management platforms because I feel it’s incredibly organized, it works seamlessly with other Google applications, and it’s user friendly.” English teacher Philip Nobblitt.
Our schools switch the programs that they use often. They try to keep new things coming and see what works. While right now our schools have been using Schoology, it could be different in another couple of years.
Schoology has been a good platform for students and teachers these past few years. While it has shut down a few times over the past years, it has proven to be an organized and structured platform for Fauquier County schools to use. Many people enjoy using Schoology and so far it has been a good reliable platform for our schools.