“Insidious: The Red Door” is the fifth movie in the “Insidious” franchise about a door, called “The Further,” that holds dangerous monsters and the dead. The dead try to escape the door by possessing people. The original family from the previous films is back, including an ensemble cast with Ty Simpkins, Patrick Wilson, Rose Byrne, and Sinclair Daniel. The characters have been through it all, including encounters with things like demons and monsters. Protagonists Dalton and Josh are the only ones with a chance of stopping “The Further.”
The fifth installment of the “Insidious” franchise started with both Dalton and his father getting their memories erased, which is when the movie started getting confusing. It was confusing because suddenly the character’s memories disappeared seemingly without any explanation. This should have been explained better in the movie, and the lack of memories causes a lot of problems for the characters. Ultimately, the audience is still left confused.
Additionally, the film began in a confusing way. Dalton and Josh aren’t close to each other anymore since they both got their memories erased. It made it weird that Josh and Dalton were so close at the beginning of the franchise, and all of a sudden they don’t even talk to each other. It’s also off putting that they are father and son, and yet they hate each other.
The fifth Insidious movie is a direct sequel to “Insidious Chapter 2” and has the same cast of characters, though they are much older. It is supposed to take place nine years later and the actors do not fit their roles well anymore. As they’ve aged, they look different and it is off putting for those watching the movie. The movie was not the best because it seemed rushed and it felt like the creators ran out of good ideas on what to add in the movie, and made it overall slow and hard to watch.