French Club gets Festive with Many Indoor and Outdoor School Activities
The French club painted pumpkins after school
If you like all things French, then the French Club is for you. They meet on Tuesdays from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. and are open to anyone. The meetings are held in Nicole Goepper’s classroom, room 601, in the Cube.
This year, the club has elected officers, cleaned out the front flower bed in the cube and played soccer. They have also done a Just Dance day and a karaoke day with French songs.
Additionally, during the holidays, the French club watches French movies based on those holidays. The club also likes to focus on seasonal activities, such as painting pumpkins and planting flowers.
Goepper asks that students “bring your love for all that is French.” Goepper would like students to know that “it’s a laid back, fun club with minimal expectations. We just like French, that’s all.”
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