Class of 2022 pulls through
Celebrating a game, the football team describes themselves as a family.
Another senior season is in the books. As the seniors wrap up their high school careers and say goodbye to their teams, there are a lot of nostalgic emotions. With the return of a normalcy, the football seniors are making the most out of their final season.
When looking back on their last four years, the boys agree that their favorite memory was beating LHS in the 2020-2021 season and “everyone coming together,” said senior, Garrett Kramer.
The football team faced many setbacks due to COVID-19, but Head coach Karl Buckwalter is “very thankful that they get this season. The seniors last year had a shortened season, but we are getting a full season in the fall so that’s good.”
Throughout the disruptions, the seniors football players have maintained a strong bond. Many like senior John Bynaker said they will miss “the brotherhood that we have all formed.” However, it’s hard to step away after building a legacy. “I will miss playing with my friends that I have known for a long time,” said senior Banks Massey.
While they didn’t make it to the playoffs. Buckwalter’s plan was “laying the foundation and getting us on track to where we want to be.” The seniors leave the team with several traditions, nicknames and expectations. They have passed down the insight they have gathered with a goal to leave the team in a successful position next year. As the season comes to a close, and the seniors part ways, they can carry this bond created with them forever
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