Mason Aliff, a senior at Fauquier High School(FHS), has been a part of the bowling club for about three months. Although he hasn’t been a part of the club for long, he expresses how much fun it is, stating, “[Frank] Strano makes it really entertaining and interactive when teaching us and is a very good teacher overall.” Aliff was inspired to join the bowling club by the Business teacher, Strano, and his persuasive pitch. One of Aliff’s favorite memories was throwing a strike after learning to bowl correctly.
Aliff isn’t currently a part of a bowling league but stated he would possibly join one in the future with a few more years of experience. Aliff expresses great gratitude to his teacher: “He likes teaching us how to bowl, and he’ll help us hold the ball and roll it. He is very interactive, when we need help, you can ask and he is very easy to understand.” With Strano’s very interactive teaching style, Aliff has learned much from him and will become a better bowler.
Aliff feels the club is acknowledged but not enough, “I feel like a lot of people know about it, but not a lot of people know its intricacies and enough to be able to want to join.” Aliff explains that the club is entertaining and the students are very friendly. The club is an excellent opportunity for anyone looking for a fun and interactive extracurricular activity. Aliff has a strong opinion on what the club could improve upon in the upcoming years, “Maybe if we had our own bowling balls or having [our own] place because Galaxy Strikes isn’t always easy to get to ourselves, so just having our own place… or our own balls would be nice at least.”
Through hard work and dedication, Aliff will become a better bowler and soon will have enough experience to help others looking to pursue the same passion he has for bowling.