Boys and Girls Basketball Face Liberty in District Matchup

Senior Kevin Chienku rises for layup
On Monday, January 24 the boys basketball team traveled to Liberty looking for their first district win in a pivotal rivalry matchup. The girls basketball Team hosts Liberty tonight at Fauquier. The boys look to bounce back after a loss to Millbrook Friday night in Winchester. A win against Liberty would give the Falcons a very important first district victory and momentum as the regular season winds down. Liberty also lost Friday night against Sherando. On the girls side, Fauquier lost to Millbrook in their last game while Liberty lost to Sherando. This is the boys and girls first match up against Liberty this year as they both look to make a statement.
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Hey everyone! My name is Nate Hensley. This is my first year as part of The Falconer staff. I am in Journalism one and a junior this year. I look forward...