“Outside” is a 2024 Philippine post-apocalypse drama horror movie originally filmed in the Bahasa Indonesian language, written and directed by Carlo Ledesma. It stars popular Philippine actors Sid Lucero, Beauty Gonzalez, Marco Masa and Aiden Tyler Patdu. This chilling film tells the story of a family fleeing to their father’s farm to escape a zombie outbreak. However, old secrets eventually surface and become a greater threat as the parents suffer from marriage problems and project onto the kids. “Outside” is a great addition to the Netflix horror series section.
Like most horror movies, the plot was well-executed, gradually revealed throughout the movie and pleasantly unexpected. The directors dropped some good hints that make you wonder what’s going to happen next or what the characters are planning so it keeps the audience on their toes. The scenes were also very eerie as the characters were rather quiet and with the state of the world, the calm atmosphere added to the creepy element of the movie.
In contrast, the dub version of the movie wasn’t very accurate or appealing. The English dub doesn’t match the appearance or personality of the characters and doesn’t display much emotion. The dub was also off-timing and didn’t match when the characters were talking. The translators didn’t take time to translate the language and make it understandable or “normal” in English as it had words that aren’t often used in the English language. If the directors or producers had taken more time to fix the movie’s dub version of the movie then it would’ve made the movie better overall.
Unlike the disappointing dub, the quality of the film was great. The scenes in the movie were beautifully shot, with stunning locations and great use of lighting that set the correct mood and visuals. The eerie music in the back of the scenes heightened the movie’s intensity and made the scenes more impactful. The movie felt longer than necessary, but most scenes were essential to the plot and story.
The ending left the audience with a cliffhanger. However, based on the events leading up to it, it’s easy to predict what will happen next. Overall, it’s a unique horror movie with vivid details and an eerie atmosphere that makes it both disturbing and captivating. It engages the audience with its psychological elements and leaves them wondering what could have happened and what will occur next.