“The Six Triple Eight” is a historical film based on a true story released on Dec. 4, 2024. It tells the story of a group called the 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion, the first and only black and all-female unit to travel overseas during World War II. Throughout the movie, it focuses on the unit and the struggles they went through while trying to complete their mission.
A character the movie mainly focuses on is Lena Derriecott. She is a real person who wanted her story to be told. Ebony Obsidian portrayed the role of the real Lena Derriecott very well. Her character wants to go to war, driven by a desire to prove others wrong, especially after losing her loved one in the war. She wanted to mourn the loss of her beloved Abram David, but she also wanted to accomplish something he couldn’t complete. Her backstory and how she got into the Six Triple Eight adds much emotional depth to the storyline. One of the leaders of the 688th Battalion is Major Charity Adams. She helps the group stay motivated as the film progresses and keeps them from giving up on what matters. She was ordered to travel overseas to Europe with her Battalion to help deliver letters to soldiers and family members of those in service. The group delivered over 17 million letters within 90 days.
The director, Tyler Perry, could have added more extended scenes. There were a few times in the movie when scenes felt a little rushed and didn’t contribute a lot to the storyline. Another thing that didn’t go well was Dean Norris’s accent, he plays the character, General Halt. The accent he used sounded unrealistic and made the parts he played not that great. A few scenes that were supposed to be emotional didn’t look realistic and left the audience unfufilled.
Overall, the movie was very intriguing and had a very impactful meaning. This film is a good choice for anyone looking for a historical or impactful movie. It has a few graphic scenes and foul language to suit young adults and older audiences. Other than Dean Norris, the different actors in this movie did an outstanding job of portraying their roles. Each character had an intriguing backstory, which helped audiences understand and connect with each individual. All of the actors did a great job representing the character they were assigned. The movie spread awareness about the 6888th Battalion and helped the audience understand the struggles these women had to go through and the achievements they made along the way. The overall mood of the movie was very heartwarming and meaningful.
Elise Gilbert • Mar 8, 2025 at 1:15 pm
I truly enjoyed the movie especially when Commander Adams told off the clergy. my 11 year old great grandson liked it so much he watched 6 times and when ever I fall asleep watching a movie with him, he’ll turn off the movie I was watching and turn on 6 triple eight.